Monday, December 8, 2014

Descriptions and classifications of various types of emergencies

These are problems that are a result of significant player outside the person experiencing the emergency. They are situations or behaviors that center on another person which irritates or causes distress. When a person fixates on these, there is a feeling of frustration and helplessness to do anything. A prime example is a parent watching an adult child who is in a bad relationship continue to stay in the situation. This can trigger extreme emotionally distress for the parent. (Eugene C. Kenndey And Sara C. Charles 387)

Intrapersonal emergencies are those that involve the individual’s own internal processes such as depression, anxiety, confusion, dementia, etc. Intrapersonal emergencies could qualify as an organic issue in nature or as some sort of perceived image of themselves. These individuals can be at a much higher risk of suicidal activities if the depression is not part of the natural grieving process after the loss of a loved one. Those with depression that are in danger of suicide tend to show signs of detachment to their lives, the basic necessities of life, and even time. Anxiety seems to be a common event experienced during emergency situations. It is the fear of losing control over their lives and the possible consequences of that lose. (Eugene C. Kenndey And Sara C. Charles 392)

Somatic complaints:
Somatic complaints are those that have no medical or physiological cause that modern medicine can explain. They tend to be experienced by those who are suffering from emotional or mental illness and are in a state of crisis. Quite often people deny these are a result of some underlying emotional or mental illness. Somatic complaints general consist of, but are not limited to, gastrointestinal problems (such as IBS), colitis, constipation, heartburn, nausea, vomiting, headaches (such as migraines & cluster headaches), back aches, and various skin disorders or rashes. The fact there are no known physical cause somatic complaints are extremely hard to treat which can result in further emotional and/or mental distress on individuals suffering from them. (Eugene C. Kenndey And Sara C. Charles 250, 373)

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