Friday, October 31, 2014

One of the main principles of ethics is to "do no harm." A discussion of the meaning of this principle as it applies to the clergy-lay relationship

                The idea of “do no harm” is a very vague ideal to live by. The way this phrase has been stated it leaves very little room for any unintentional harm that might be done. No matter what choices we make in life there is always the possibility or likelihood that someone or something will be harmed in our decisions. I think a better way of looking at this is “strive to never intend to do harm.”

               Now with that said, I have always believed that the role of clergy to the lay person is to strive to help better their lives by being a source of comfort, knowledge, and wise advice. To do that, we as clergy need to learn how to listen, learn our limits both personally, professionally, and ethically, and always have available resources we can refer the lay person to.

               I feel this also applies to our relationship as clergy to the Kindred. We are responsible for maintaining a good working spiritual relationship with our gods, nature spirits, and ancestors so that we are able to serve the people and the Kindred as best we can. We should strive to be the best possible examples as clergy and stewards of our faith, our community, and our earth mother. When we do this we “strive to never intend to do harm.”

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