Monday, October 15, 2012

Divination part 8: The importance and value of divination as it relates to ADF

          Within the context of ADF the importance of divination can have various meanings. But off all the possible values divination can have one stands out the most, that of seeking knowledge of approval concerning our actions and offerings as Druids.          

          Within ADF, we work our rituals to honor the Kindred and to create a reciprocal relationship with them. Through offerings of praise or through dedicated rituals, we forge the alliance which we are seeking. However, how are we to know if our efforts are accepted? How are we to know that the Kindred are pleased with our works and wish to return the love and connection?          

          Only through divination, more specifically the omen, can we truly see how our offerings accepted. It is our way to ‘know’ how all our efforts are received by the Kindred. As stated in the in Dedicant Manual, “In Druidic ritual, we also often divine to determine whether the spirits are pleased with our work, whether our offerings have been accepted, whether our work is headed for a good outcome, and what kind of power is being offered by the spirits.” (DP Handbook, new edition, page 45)

Work Cited for Divination posts 1-8:
 Bonewits, Isaac. Real Magic: An Introductory Treatise On The Basic Principles of Yellow Magic (Revised Edition). Boston: Samuel Weiser, Inc., 1989.Ehrlich, Eugene, et al. Oxford American Dictionary. New York: Avon Books, 1986.—. Oxford American Dictionary- Heald Colleges Edition. New York: Avon Books, 1980.Encyclopedia Britannica 11th Edition. "Knucklebones." 2010. Online Encyclopedia. 12 June 2010 .Heinevetter, Franz. Würfel- und Buchstabenorakel in Griechenland und Kleinasien. Breslau : Grasz, 1912.Luck, George. Arcana Mundi: Magic and the Occult in the Greek and Roman Worlds. Baltimore: The John Hopkins University Press, 1985.Paxson, Diana L. Taking Up The Runes. San Francisco: Weiser Books, 2005.Sophistes, Apollonius. "A Greek Alphabet Orcale." 1995. CC.UTK.EDU. March 2009 .Toraldo, Manfredi. Olympus Tarot. Torino, Italy: Lo Scarabeo, 2002.Wikipedia. "Cleromancy." January 2009. September 2009 .—. "Delpic Oracle." January 2010. 15 January 2010 .—. "Hellenistic Civilization." 22 December 2009. 15 January 2010 .—. "Homer." January 2010. 15 January 2010 .—. "Ogham." 26 December 2009. June 2009 .


Doula Goddess said...

I have a problem with divination in the context of ritual. Mostly, it's that there are some people that read such things very badly. There are some methods of divination that are based on interpretation. Many in the Pagan community try to put the happy spin on divination, they interpret the cards or whatever in the best possible light. We've had this happen in our Grove. A card came up that could have more than one meaning, and the diviner chose to go with the fluffy. Im my opinion, this is the greatest problem with the omen as used in ADF ritual. It's possible, even likely, that the taker of the omen can misread what the omen says, and things can quickly go sideways from there.

Rev. David 'Skymnos' Barron said...

I think the best way around that is to have a dedicated Seer... one that the Grove or Protogrove trusts in skill and in integrity to read truly. One of the things that our study group is considering is to require the person to work through the Seers Guild program... and then be 'put to the test' when it comes to divination as a Seer.

I have always been of the option not everyone can serve every function within a Grove. Nor should they.