Tuesday, August 12, 2014

A prayer of praise, offering, or thanksgiving to a deity modeled on a mythic, folkloric, or other literary source of at least 75 words. Include a summary of what your sources were and how you utilized them

The following is a prayer and hymn I wrote to be used for offerings to the Hellenic Muses. For this I actually used several sources to help me generate this specific prayer. The first was the Homeric Hymn (Homer) to the Muses and Apollo. Since it was very sparse in terms of information it help I then looked through the Orphic Hymns (Unknown). These have a much greater source of information on the Muses or Musaeus. I also did reach on how to traditionally write the prayer. I always want my Hellenic prayers and hymns to be authentic in structure as possible. To that end I researched several different Hellenic reconstruction sites for information on actual structural writing and formula for creating prayers and hymns. I found it was very traditional to first call deities by their epithets, their lineage (both their father and mother) and then by their names. As it was customary to also praise Zeus in all things I included a call and praise to him as well. I found the Orphic Hymns to be a create resources because they provide what the traditional offerings in prayers where for deities.

[Offerings: Fumigation from Storax , Offerings: Fumigation from Frankincense Muses]

Oh great goddesses, patrons of the Arts and Sciences,
bringers of man’s art locked deep within,
I call upon You, the divine keys of ours soul’s true self,
Giving honor to You and your Lord Zeus.

Praise be to the Great God King Zeus, father of the gods, hero against the Titans, Son to Kronos and Lord to the Divine Muses!

Praise be to the Great Divine Muses!

Praise be to the Elder Muses, you who came first, you who brought the dawn’s light of soul to man!

Praise be to Melete, the Muse of meditation, She who gives deeper, inner thought to man!
Praise be to Mneme, the Muse of memory, She who gives the gift of what man has forgotten!
Praise be to Aoide, the Muse of Song, She who gives the divine voice to man!

Praise be to the Younger Muses, those who brought new enlightenment to man!

Praise be to Calliope, the Muse of eloquent and epic poetry!
Praise be to Clio, the Muse of historical and heroic poetry!
Praise be to Erato, the Muse of erotic and love poetry, of lyrics and mimicry!
Praise be to Euterpe, the Muse of lyrical poetry and music, of joy and pleasure, and of the flute!
Praise be to Melomene, the Muse of tragedy!
Praise be to Polyhymnia, the Muse of scared hymn, of eloquence and of dance!
Praise be to Terpsichore, the Muse of dramatic chorus and dance!
Praise be to Thalia, the Muse of pastoral poetry, of comedy!
Praise be to Urania, the Muse of astronomy and astrology!

As beauty is for beauties sake,
I give this prayer to You!

I give of myself,
And ask only that You give more of myself to me,
Than I had before!

Praise be to the Great Muses!
Praise be to the Muse within me!

Works Cited
Ár nDraíocht Féin. "An Introduction to Ár nDraíocht Féin and the Druid Path - DP HandbookEZ." 5 2009. ADF.org. PDF - https://www.adf.org/system/files/members/training/dp/dedicant-manual-ez-reading.pdf. 6 8 2014.
Bonewits, Isaac. Rites of Worship: A Neopagan Approach. Earth Religions Press, 2003.
Corrigan, Rev. Ian. "The ADF Ouline of Worship: A Briefing for Newcomers." n.d. ADF.org. HTML & PDF https://www.adf.org/rituals/explanations/pre-ritual-briefing-2.html. 6 8 2014.
—. The Intentions of Drudic Ritual. n.d. 28 7 2014. <https://www.adf.org/rituals/explanations/intentions.html>.
—. "The Intentions of Druidic Ritual." n.d. ADF.org. HTML - https://www.adf.org/rituals/explanations/intentions.html. 6 8 2014.
—. "What is ADF." n.d. ADF.org. HTML - https://www.adf.org/about/basics/what-is-adf.html. 6 8 2014.
Homer, Translation by H. G. EVELYN-WHITE. Homeric Hymns 5-33. 2000. 28 7 2014. <http://www.theoi.com/Text/HomericHymns3.html#25>.
Unknown, Translation by THOMAS TAYLOR. The Orphic Hymns 41-86. 2000. 28 7 2014. <http://www.theoi.com/Text/OrphicHymns2.html#75>.

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